Friday, October 16, 2009

Herm, Caryatid, Canephorae and the Vizcayads

herm (hûrm) n. pl. herms also her·mae (-mī)A rectangular, often tapering stone post bearing a carved head or bust, usually of Hermes, used as a boundary marker in ancient Greece and for decorative purposes in later periods.

car·y·at·id (kār'ē-āt'ĭd) n. pl. car·y·at·ids or car·y·at·i·des (-ĭ-dēz') Architecture A supporting column sculptured in the form of a draped female figure.

canephorae is applied to caryatids, figures of young persons of either sex supporting baskets on their heads.(in architecture).

I did a little self education to find the origin of "Vizcayads". Technically our Stone Barge statues are cross between a herm and a canephorae but Vizcanephorae doesn't sound as good. The most famous caryatids are probably on the Acropolis in Athens Greece. I included a picture from the Acropolis with our Vizcayads for comparison.

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